This property specifies whether Australia Post decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether Aztec Code decoding is enabled.
static int
Set the Aztec inverse decoder setting: Regular Only/ Inverse Only/ Inverse Autodetect. Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Zebra Technologies imagers.
static int
This property specifies whether chinese 2 of 5 post decoding is enabled.
static int
Enable this parameter to strip the start and stop characters and insert a space after the first, fifth, and tenth
characters of a 14-character Codabar symbol.
static int
This property specifies whether Codabar decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether Codabar check digit verification is enable.
static int
Set minimun length for Codabar. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for Codabar. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Enable this parameter to strip the start and stop characters from a decoded Codabar symbol.
static int
This property specifies whetherto transmit Codabar data with or without the check digit.
static int
Start/Stop characters identify the leading and trailing ends of the bar code.
static int
ISBT 128 is a variant of Code128 used in the blood bank industry.
static int
Select an option for concatenating pairs of ISBT code types:
0 : Disable ISBT Concatenation - The device does not concatenate pairs of ISBT codes it encounters.
static int
This property specifies whether Codes11 decoding is enabled.
static int
This feature allows the decoder to check the integrity of all Code11 symbols to verify that the data complies
with the specified check digit algorithm.
static int
Set minimun length for Code11. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for Code11. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
This property specifies whether or not to transmit the Code11 check digit(s).
static int
The ISBT specification includes a table that lists several types of ISBT bar codes that are commonly used in pairs.
static int
This property specifies whether Code128 decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether GS1-128 decoding is enabled.
static int
This feature applies to Code128 bar codes with an embedded character.
0 : Disable Ignore Code128; The character is not transmitted but the following
character has 128 added to it.
1 : Enable Ignore Code128; This strips the character from the decode data. The
remaining characters do not change.
static int
Set minimun length for Code128. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for Code128. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Enable or disable decoding Code128 bar codes with reduced quiet zones.
The property value should be set as follows:
0 : Disallow short quiet zone symbols.
static int
Code128 bar codes are vulnerable to misdecodes, particularly when Code128 Lengths is set to Any Length.
static int
This property specifies whether Code32 decoding is enabled.
static int
Enable or disable adding the prefix character “A” to all Code32 bar codes.
static int
This property specifies whether Code39 decoding is enabled.
static int
Enable this to check the integrity of all Code39 symbols to verify that the data complies with specified check digit algorithm.
static int
Code39 Full ASCII is a variant of Code39 which pairs characters to encode the full ASCII character set.
static int
Set minimun length for Code39. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for Code39. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Enable or disable decoding Code39 bar codes with reduced quiet zones.
static int
The scanner offers four levels of decode security for Code39 barcodes.
static int
This property specifies whether to transmit Code39 data with or without the check digit.
static int
Start/Stop characters identify the leading and trailing ends of the bar code.
static int
This property specifies whether Codabar decoding is enabled.
static int
Set minimun length for Code39. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for Code39. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
This property specifies the character encoding to use for the bar code data.
static int
This property specifies whether Composite CC-A/B decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether Composite CC-C decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether Composite TLC-39 decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether Discrete 2 of 5 decoding is enabled.
static int
Set minimun length for Discrete 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for Discrete 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
This property specifies whether DataMatrix decoding is enabled.
static int
Set the DATAMATRIX inverse decoder setting: Regular Only/ Inverse Only/ Inverse Autodetect. Note: The parameter values below are only supported on platforms interfacing to the Zebra Technologies imagers.
static int
Set minimun length for DataMatrix. Range: 1 to 3166.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set minimun length for DataMatrix. Range: 1 to 3166.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Mode Configuration settings:Off/Around Aimer/Field Of View. Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Honeywell 6703/6603 scanner.
static int
This property specifies whether the lights mode settings. Lights Configuration settings:(Illum/Aimer Off)/(Aimer Only)/(Illum Only)/(Alternating)/(Concurrent).
The image must conform to the auto-exposure requirements, if not, it's rejected. Valid Values: Rang 0to 1.
static int
The number of time it will attempt to conform Valid Values: Rang 1 to 8.
static int
If exposure mode is FIXED, what is the frame rate (fixed, has no effect) Valid Values: Rang 1 to 30.
static int
If exposure mode is FIXED, what is the gain Valid Values: Rang 1 to 4.
static int
This is the maximum exposure allowed to use Valid Values: Rang 1 to 7874.
static int
This is the maximum gain allowed to use Valid Values: Rang 1 to 4.
static int
How close to the target while value must image be Valid Values: Rang 1 to 50.
static int
The percentile the white target value should be at Valid Values: Rang 1 to 99.
static int
Target white value in image to try and achieve Valid Values: Rang 1 to 255.
static int
Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Honeywell 6703/6603 scanner.
static int
Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Honeywell 6703/6603 scanner.
static int
Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Honeywell 6703/6603 scanner.
static int
This parameter sets the level of illumination by altering laser/LED power. Power Level(1/2/3/4/5/6/7).
static int
Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Honeywell 3680 scanner.
static int
Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Honeywell 3680 scanner.
static int
This property specifies whether Dotcode decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether DPM decoding is enabled during the execution of Decode.
static int
This parameter determines whether or not EAN supplemental 2/5 should be transmitted.
static int
Select one of the following
formats for Bookland data:
0 : Bookland ISBN-10; The decoder reports Bookland data starting with 978 in traditional 10-digit
format with the special Bookland check digit for backward-compatibility.
static int
This property specifies Enable or disable Bookland EAN.
static int
This property specifies whether EAN-13 decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether transmit EAN-13 check digit.
static int
This property specifies whether EAN-8 decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether transmit EAN-8 check digit.
static int
Enable this parameter to add five leading zeros to decoded EAN-8 symbols to make them compatible in format
to EAN-13 symbols.
static int
Note: The property value below is ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Zebra Technologies imagers.
static int
This option is enabled by default to optimize decode performance on 1D bar codes, including damaged and
poor quality symbols.
static int
To set Scanner success beep when keystroke output enable WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ENABLE. Select valid value from the following options:
0 : None
1 : Short
2 : Sharp
This property specifies whether GS1 DataBar-14 decoding is enabled.
static int
This parameter only applies to GS1 DataBar-14 and GS1 DataBar Limited symbols not decoded as part of a
Composite symbol.
static int
This property specifies whether GS1 DataBar Expanded decoding is enabled.
static int
Set minimun length for GS1 DataBar Expanded. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for GS1 DataBar Expanded. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
This property specifies whether GS1 DataBar Limited decoding is enabled.
static int
There are four levels of decode security for GS1 DataBar Limited bar codes.
This property specifies whether Han Xin decoding is enabled.
static int
Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Zebra Technologies imagers.
static int
This property specifies whether Interleaved 2 of 5 decoding is enabled.
static int
Enable this feature to check the integrity of all I 2 of 5 symbols to verify the data complies with either the
specified Uniform Symbology Specification (USS), or the Optical Product Code Council (OPCC) check digit
static int
Set minimun length for Interleaved 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for Interleaved 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Enable or disable decoding I 2 of 5 bar codes with reduced quiet zones
The property value should be set as follows:
0: Disallow short quiet zone symbols.
static int
Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes are vulnerable to misdecodes, particularly when I 2 of 5 Lengths is set to Any Length.
static int
This property specifies whetherto transmit I 2 of 5 data with or without the check digit.
static int
Enable this parameter to convert 14-character I 2 of 5 codes to EAN-13, and transmit to the host as EAN-13.
static int
This property specifies the exposure mode that will be used during image capture.
static int
If exposure mode is FIXED, what is the exposure IMAGE_FIXED_EXPOSURE.
static int
This property specifies whether the 1D inverse decoder setting:
0 : Regular Only; the decoder decodes regular 1D bar codes only.
static int
To set 2D Scanner Mobile Phone/Display Mode. This mode improves bar code reading performance on mobile phones and electronic displays.
static int
This property specifies whether Japan Postal decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether Netherlands KIX Code decoding is enabled.
static int
To set Scanner success append the action key character when keystroke output enable. Select valid value from the following options:
0 : None
1 : Carriage return
2 : IME action done
3 : TAB
static int
When a bar code is scanned, the bar code data contains the Group?Seperator char will hava replace LABEL_SEPARATOR_ENABLE.
static int
When a bar code is scanned, changed the bar code data with this form of regular expression.
static int
When a bar code is scanned, with the Hex value characters to replace the bar code data, if it is contains LABEL_MATCHER_TARGETREGEX setting hex characters.
static int
When a bar code is scanned, the bar code data contains the Hex value characters will hava replace LABEL_MATCHER_REPLACEMENT
set the replace source characters are Hex value characters.Example:this “j” Hex ID is “6A”.
static int
When a bar code is scanned, additional Prefix characters is sent to the App along with the bar code data.
static int
This property specifies whether the bar code data replace the separator char LABEL_FORMAT_SEPARATOR_CHAR.
static int
When a bar code is scanned, additional Suffix characters is sent to the App along with the bar code data.
static int
Set the maximum time decode processing continues during a scan attempt.
static int
This feature sets the level of aggressiveness in decoding bar codes with a reduced quiet zone (the area in front
of and at the end of a bar code), and applies to symbologies enabled by a Reduced Quiet Zone parameter.
This property specifies whether Matrix 2 of 5 decoding is enabled.
static int
The check digit is the last character of the symbol used to verify the integrity of the data.
static int
Set minimun length for Matrix 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for Matrix 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
This property specifies whether to transmit Matrix 2 of 5 data with or without the check digit.
static int
This property specifies whether MaxiCode decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether MicroPDF417 decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether MicroQR Code decoding is enabled.
static int
Select one of two algorithms for the verification of the second MSI check digit:
1 : MOD 10/MOD 10
0 : MOD 10/MOD 11
static int
This property specifies whether MSI decoding is enabled.
static int
Set minimun length for MSI. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
Set maximun length for MSI. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
static int
With MSI symbols, one check digit is mandatory and always verified by the reader.
static int
Select whether to transmit MSI data with or without the check digit.
static int
This property specifies whether PDF417 decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether QR Code decoding is enabled.
static int
Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Zebra Technologies imagers.
static int
This property specifies whether the bar code data remove the nonprint char.
static int
This property specifies whether ROYAL mail decoding is enabled.
static int
To set Scanner success beep or vibrate when SendBroadcast. SendBroadcast Values:
static int
To set Scanner success vibrate when SendBroadcast. SendBroadcast Values:
This property specifies whether Trioptic decoding is enabled.
static int
Enable this parameter to decode UPC-A bar codes starting with digit ‘5’, EAN-13 bar codes starting with digit
‘99’, and UPC-A/EAN-128 Coupon Codes.
static int
Traditional coupon symbols (old coupon symbols) are composed of two bar codes: UPC/EAN and Code128.
static int
Enable this parameter to add five leading zeros to decoded EAN-8 symbols to make them compatible in format
to EAN-13 symbols.
static int
Enable or disable decoding UPC bar codes with reduced quiet zones.
static int
To set Scanner linear code type security level. Parameters Values: 0 to 3, default 1.
static int
This property specifies whether UPC-A decoding is enabled.
static int
The check digit is the last character of the symbol used to verify the integrity of the data.
static int
Preamble characters are part of the UPC symbol, and include Country Code and System Character.
static int
When UPC-A Converted to EAN-13 is selected, UPC-A bar codes are converted to 13 digit EAN-13 codes by adding a
zero to the front.
static int
This property specifies whether UPC-E decoding is enabled.
static int
The check digit is the last character of the symbol used to verify the integrity of the data.
static int
Preamble characters are part of the UPC symbol, and include Country Code and System Character.
static int
Enable this to convert UPC-E (zero suppressed) decoded data to UPC-A format before transmission.
static int
This property specifies whether UPC-E1 decoding is enabled.
static int
The check digit is the last character of the symbol used to verify the integrity of the data.
static int
Preamble characters are part of the UPC symbol, and include Country Code and System Character.
static int
Enable this to convert UPC-E1 decoded data to UPC-A format before transmission.
static int
This property specifies whether UPU FICS Postal decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether US Planet decoding is enabled.
static int
Select whether to transmit US Postal data, which includes both US Postnet and US Planet, with or without the
check digit.
static int
This property specifies whether US Postnet/US Postal decoding is enabled.
static int
This property specifies whether USPS 4CB/One Code/Intelligent Mail decoding is enabled.
static int
The intent action name is to receive barcode data. The default is "android.intent.ACTION_DECODE_DATA".
This property specifies whether Keyboard mode is enabled. If the configured PropertyID.WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ENABLE is 1, append the barcode text to TextBox, input method, or send the barcode text as key events.
static int
This property specifies select an option for keystroke types. Values:
0 : Auto append text to TextBox.
1 : If there is no TextBox, append text to input method.
2 : Send key event.
3 : Auto append text to input method.
Constructor Summary
PropertyID class contains all supported Scanner sub-system reader properties.
To set Scanner success beep when keystroke output enable WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ENABLE. Select valid value from the following options:
0 : None
1 : Short
2 : Sharp
To set Scanner success append the action key character when keystroke output enable. Select valid value from the following options:
0 : None
1 : Carriage return
2 : IME action done
3 : TAB
When a bar code is scanned, with the Hex value characters to replace the bar code data, if it is contains LABEL_MATCHER_TARGETREGEX setting hex characters.
When a bar code is scanned, the bar code data contains the Hex value characters will hava replace LABEL_MATCHER_REPLACEMENT
set the replace source characters are Hex value characters.Example:this “j” Hex ID is “6A”.
public static final int LINEAR_1D_QUIET_ZONE_LEVEL
This feature sets the level of aggressiveness in decoding bar codes with a reduced quiet zone (the area in front
of and at the end of a bar code), and applies to symbologies enabled by a Reduced Quiet Zone parameter.
Set minimun length for Code39. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for Code39. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set minimun length for Discrete 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for Discrete 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set minimun length for Matrix 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for Matrix 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
This feature allows the decoder to check the integrity of all Code11 symbols to verify that the data complies
with the specified check digit algorithm.
Set minimun length for Code11. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for Code11. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Enable this feature to check the integrity of all I 2 of 5 symbols to verify the data complies with either the
specified Uniform Symbology Specification (USS), or the Optical Product Code Council (OPCC) check digit
Set minimun length for Interleaved 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for Interleaved 2 of 5. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Enable or disable decoding I 2 of 5 bar codes with reduced quiet zones
The property value should be set as follows:
0: Disallow short quiet zone symbols.
Enable this parameter to strip the start and stop characters and insert a space after the first, fifth, and tenth
characters of a 14-character Codabar symbol.
Set minimun length for Codabar. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for Codabar. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set minimun length for Code39. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for Code39. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set minimun length for Code128. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for Code128. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
public static final int CODE128_REDUCED_QUIET_ZONE
Enable or disable decoding Code128 bar codes with reduced quiet zones.
The property value should be set as follows:
0 : Disallow short quiet zone symbols.
public static final int CODE_ISBT_Concatenation_MODE
Select an option for concatenating pairs of ISBT code types:
0 : Disable ISBT Concatenation - The device does not concatenate pairs of ISBT codes it encounters.
This feature applies to Code128 bar codes with an embedded character.
0 : Disable Ignore Code128; The character is not transmitted but the following
character has 128 added to it.
1 : Enable Ignore Code128; This strips the character from the decode data. The
remaining characters do not change.
Select one of the following
formats for Bookland data:
0 : Bookland ISBN-10; The decoder reports Bookland data starting with 978 in traditional 10-digit
format with the special Bookland check digit for backward-compatibility.
Set minimun length for MSI. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for MSI. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set minimun length for GS1 DataBar Expanded. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set maximun length for GS1 DataBar Expanded. Range: 0 to 55.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set minimun length for DataMatrix. Range: 1 to 3166.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set minimun length for DataMatrix. Range: 1 to 3166.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check
digit(s) the code contains.
Set the DATAMATRIX inverse decoder setting: Regular Only/ Inverse Only/ Inverse Autodetect. Note: The parameter values below are only supported on platforms interfacing to the Zebra Technologies imagers.
Set the Aztec inverse decoder setting: Regular Only/ Inverse Only/ Inverse Autodetect. Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Zebra Technologies imagers.
Mode Configuration settings:Off/Around Aimer/Field Of View. Note: The parameter values below are ONLY supported on platforms interfacing to the Honeywell 6703/6603 scanner.
This property specifies whether Keyboard mode is enabled. If the configured PropertyID.WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ENABLE is 1, append the barcode text to TextBox, input method, or send the barcode text as key events.
This property specifies select an option for keystroke types. Values:
0 : Auto append text to TextBox.
1 : If there is no TextBox, append text to input method.
2 : Send key event.
3 : Auto append text to input method.